Meme Monday: Grammar Beyond the Comma

This week’s memes continue the grammar trend beyond the comma.  As always, these memes can be used as classroom posters, to begin mini-lessons, or to simply revel in the fact that you aren’t alone in the world when grammar mistakes make you crazy.

Even CNN made the apostrophe/plural mistake this weekend:

cnn blunder

Enjoy the memes!

alotapostrophepunctuationto - too

Plagiarism Resources


It is research paper season, and with every research paper season comes the issue of plagiarism.

Here’s a TED-Ed Lesson, “The punishable perils of plagiarism” that your students could watch and complete the 7 questions that come with it.

Here’s’s plagiarism report:

turnitin plagiarism_report

To better help students understand what we mean by “plagiarism,” here are some resources we’ve compiled.


These would make great classroom posters and/or handouts.  You may need to break an image into multiple in order to make it readable when you print.   

And if you don’t find what you’re looking for here, try (there’s a free version) to make your own infographic/poster with the information you want to include.

(Click the image to see the full graphic.)

Here’s a Power Point version of the Potter info-graphic from

And of course, we have a district-wide Academic Integrity poster:



Here’s some memes that could get the conversation about plagiarism started.  There are also apps out there to help you create your own memes, including mematic, which is very user friendly.




Power Point

At the freshmen PLC, Joe and I stumbled across this power point (9 plagiarism tutorial2012 (1)) from the Mt. Lebanon School District.  It’s a tutorial for avoiding plagiarism.


And Cathy Stelling createdthis plagiarism handout (WHAT IS PLAGIARISM), which she was kind enough to share.

If you’re doing something else to review and/or teach plagiarism, please feel free to email me or leave comments below.